Many people have questions about DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide), which we include in our "DX" variants. We are here to help answer those questions so you can decide for yourself whether the "EX" (no DMSO) or "DX" (with DMSO) version is right for you.
The popular oral supplement MSM is derived from DMSO & the FDA has approved DMSO for use only in certain surgeries. It has classified DMSO in the same solvent category as methyl alcohol. This mandates sale of our DX line as a lubricating solvent only.

Mr.Win's uses only the purest US-Pharmaceutical grade (USP 99.99% pure) DMSO.

  • ATAKNI-DX contains 8% DMSO (USP 99.99% pure)
  • SOLSAVEUR-DX contains 10% DMSO (USP 99.99% pure)
  • DIRMATAK-DX contains 15% DMSO (USP 99.99% pure)

Where Does DMSO Come From?

  • Derived from lignin, a natural polymer present in trees, DMSO typically comes from softwood evergreen tree species like pine.
  • A byproduct of the paper making process, trees utilize DMSO to repair damage to bark, stems and leaves.
  • A naturally occurring sulfur compound, DMSO contains organic sulfur which the body readily uses at a cellular level.
  • We encourage you to learn more in the related links below.
  • What is DMSO?

    DMSO was first discovered in the late 19th century as a byproduct of the kraft process for making paper from wood pulp. About the same time, Russian chemist Alexander Zaytsev synthesized it by oxidizing dimethyl sulfide, another kraft process byproduct. Zaytsev’s synthesis is the basis for the manufacturing process still used today.


  • Where Does DMSO Come From?

    DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide, has been making waves in various industries for its potential applications. While many are familiar with its uses, few understand its origins, especially the intriguing process of extracting DMSO from trees. This article dives into the fascinating world of DMSO production, revealing each step of its journey from the tree to the shelf.


  • DMSO Medicinal Uses

    Stanley W. Jacob, M.D., F.A.C.S. pioneered the medicinal uses of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) and its major metabolite, MSM (dimethyl sulfone), and devoted his life to studying them. He is considered the world’s leading authority on their research and clinical applications.


  • The Untapped Healing Potential of DMSO

    DMSO is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic compound that holds promise in managing a wide range of debilitating health conditions. DMSO is an approved pharmacological agent in more than 125 countries, and its safety and therapeutic effects are backed by nearly 50 years of research and more than 10,000 scientific articles on its biological implications.


  • DMSO Benefits & Research

    DMSO is a 100% organic Sulphur compound. It contains a high concentration of naturally occurring organic Sulphur that the body can readily use at a cellular level. The compound comes from the bark of trees and is a byproduct of the paper making process. It’s the compound that a tree utilizes to repair damages, nicks and cuts in its’ bark, stems and leaves.


  • DMSO: Applications

    The authors point out that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) increases tissue perfusion and may effectively treat or prevent ischemia in flaps. They recommend application of topical DMSO every 4 to 6 hours, until blood flow improves, to areas that show signs of ischemia or less than adequate perfusion. Other potential cosmetic surgery uses of DMSO include areas of skin care, pain relief, and treatment of keloids.