All About The FIX'R-ELIX'R Formulas

The 3 formulas for FIX'R-ELIX'R share many similarities but are unique from one another. Each oil targets a different use-case & therefore has a formulation aimed at best serving that need. Let's get into some of the details below:

ATAKNI - Rejuvenating Face Oil

  • ATAKNI was formulated specifically for use on the face/scalp area.  Oils with antiseptic & anti-inflammatory properties that are soothing & less likely to cause eye irritation lead the list of feature ingredients in ATAKNI. The select carrier oils penetrate quickly, leaving skin sleek & glowing not greasy.
  • Jojoba oil leads the list of carrier oils in ATAKNI because it is a low-viscosity fast-penetrating oil that & leaves no greasy residue. Wheat Germ oil lends a wonderful golden color along with many anti-oxidant, antiseptic & anti-inflammatory properties.
  • ATANKI features less Borage oil than the other two formulations as this oil's higher viscosity penetrates more slowly than Jojoba or Wheat Germ.
  • The predominant essential oils are Geranium & Lavender both of which attack breakouts like a rogue band of Viking warriors, but smell far far better. Geranium & lavender essential oil have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, & antiseptic properties that make them beneficial for breakouts, skin irritation & skin infections.
  • Highly antiseptic oils like Peppermint, Rosemary & Helichrysum are used at lower percentages here than in the other formulations because they can cause eye irritation at higher volumes. ATAKNI has strong antiseptic & anti-microbial properties despite smelling GREAT, vastly reducing blemishes on your mojo!

DIRMATAK - Adventure Body Oil

  • DIRMATAK was formulated specifically to be a "first-aid-kit-in-a-bottle" for outdoor adventures. It is our strongest formulation with the most insect repellent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant properties available, all in one oil that's free of harsh/toxic chemicals.
  • DIRMATAK features higher levels of Neem & Calendula than the other oils. These oils have exceptional bug-repellent qualities & lend the user hours of protection against all forms of insect bites.
  • DIRMATAK features more Borage oil than the other two formulations, this in an effort to boost the viscosity of the oil, leaving skin protected for hours after application.
  • The strongest antiseptic oils we use, Peppermint, Rosemary, Geranium & Helichrysum are used in higher percentages than in the other oils in an effort to increase DIRMATAK's ability to heal wounds & render bites & burns itch & pain free.
  • Arnica brings a significant pain-relieving element to DIRMATAK. This should help relieve pain & itching on the skin from cuts, bites, burns or boils.
  • DIRMATAK is there to stop life from putting a glitch in your tracks!

SOLSAVEUR - Anti-Exposure Body Oil

  • SOLSAVEUR was formulated to provide the ultimate anti-exposure (sun, wind, snow) cooling, soothing, relieving skin moisturizing experience on the market. It also works fabulously as a daily body moisturizer. It has many of the same repellent properties of DIRMATAK but has a more pleasant, floral aroma.
  • SOLSAVEUR features a high content of Wheat Germ & Jojoba oils. Wheat Germ is reknown as a remedy for burns. Jojoba & Wheat Germ both feature some of the highest vitamin E levels in any oil, providing needed nutrients to over-exposed skin while also penetrating fast & leaving you ready to put on that fine dress shirt or skirt in mere minutes.
  • Peppermint & Roman Chamomile lead the list of essential oils in SOLSAVEUR. Peppermint provides an instant cooling, relieving effect on the skin. For millennia Roman Chamomile has aided people suffering from over-exposed skin with wondrous effect, we hope you'll rediscover it all over again.
  • Arnica & Yarrow provide more cooling relief, both with legendary pain-killing & symbiotic wellness properties.
  • Don't let over-exposed skin ruin your day or night, go ahead & attend that after-party. SOLSAVEUR is there to get the kinks out of your elemental jam!
Despite labels reflecting somewhat similar ingredients, the individual formulations of FIX'R-ELIX'R are quite unique from one another. We hope that you'll have many great adventures in life & that our oils offer some relief & protection from it all.
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